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Everyday Extinction

Hedgehogs used to be a common site in UK gardens but their numbers are rapidly declining. The People's Trust for Endgangered Species believe there are now fewer than 1 million hedgehogs in the UK which shows we have lost a third of this species in ten years . The reasons for this have not been fully established but there are a number of factors likely to be contributing to this loss:

  • reduction in habitat

  • fragmentation of habitat (causing hedgehogs to have to cross busy roads)

  • poor management of hedgerows

  • climate change

Hedgehogs are an indicator species so when they are declining it rings alarms bells for the health of the natural world.

Every decision you make has an impact on all wildlife. We don't need to wait for the results of research or for government legislation to make common sense changes which in most cases, will benefit a lot more than just wildlife.

  1. Flush the toilet fewer times.

  2. Walk more often.

  3. Compost at home.

  4. Be mindful of plastic packaging.

  5. Don't live with litter - pick it up when you see it.

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