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Tiny Town was a neglected corner of a busy town, strewn with wine bottles and ignored by the people who passed. One day some locals slipped in without anyone noticing and planted herbs and trees, hung knitted birds from the branches, added a bench and left a wooden sign asking for people to enjoy the space and look after their town.



People began to stop and look over the fence. They talked to fellow dog-walkers and passersby. Acts of altruism are all too rare and people questioned who had done this and why. Gradually people entered the garden, some even bought tools and weeded the beds. Conversations were had and relationships blossomed. The children of nearby streets came and looked around. They hung an old rusty key and a horseshoe from the branches of a tree, and they sat on the bench to watch a bold fox creep through the grass as the sun went down.




The children called the little corner Tiny Town and one has written some stories inspired by this little green space. Read them and vicariously enjoy this little green haven!



Hi, my name is Jemima I'm 9 and I live in Sussex. I'm lucky to live near the beach where I like to visit to discover different shells and have a paddle. I'm also near the South Downs where I go with my family and friends to climb trees and run wild! I love the countryside and have a real passion for endangered species. I would like to help them because the feeling of being caught in a cage and to not be free is horrible. Another feeling of seeing some plasic in the sea thinking it's food, then when you eat it you might die. This would link to polution which I'm not very happy about. These things, as well as others, can put animals, plants and the enviorment in danger. As I learn more about endangered animals, it makes me feel I could make a difference which is a good feeling. These are my words and I hope they make you think.

The Frog


Last summer there was a frog in our garden! That day me, my mum and my dad were moving our shed. My dad spotted the camouflaged creature and noticed it was moving. We were amazed! Suddenly it jumped under the shed so my dad lifted the shed on it's side while my mum crawled under, as we didn't want the frog to be crushed. We managed to release it into the alleyway by the allotment where we think it must of came from.

After the palaver we were all asking eachother why it came here. I did some research and identified it was a common frog. Apparantly frogs will return to their birth place and we did have a pond in our garden many years ago. It would be a long journey and this could be over busy roads. We didn't know but frogs are also able to live in tall grass and they travel around. I've read that frogs hibernate so I wonder if we'll have anymore frog visitors this spring?


Tiny Town

Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there was a garden called tiny town. People lived in this place, but these people weren’t ordinary... They were half an inch tall! These short, microscopic people came from the underworld...


The underworld is extremely deep into the ground. Deeper than you think! In fact so deep, it would take 50 diggers to get to the bottom of it. In Tiny Town it is such a mythical place, that there are miniscule mice that they use like horses pulling carriages and, they even talk!


They had a mayor as well. His name was Mr. Bottom! What a strange name. The mayor would wear green and a chain that was made out of real gold! The men that lived in tiny town wore blue with a sapphire hat! The ladies would wear pink with pearls! They were very rich indeed.


A boy that lived in tiny town had wondered what outside was like. It was a mystery to them. So one day, the boy had a plan to escape the underworld. It was a major task. The boy asked his mum if he could do the shopping as he was getting more mature. His mum answered him with a big yes so off he went to do his fake shopping.


The boy brought his wooden spade and began to dig. 3 hours later he finished and appeared under a bush. He sensed he wasn’t alone. There was a cat with fur of fire that was prowling around. The cat could feel someone lurking as well as the boy. The boy climbed up a few branches a head so he could see what was looking for him. There stood, a fearsome cat. The boy had a shiver run down his spine.


Suddenly, the cat's owner appeared outside the garden. The cat leaped over the gate and took an ear piercing meow to say that he will be back. The boy sighed with relief and shot down the tunnel he made.


Once he got down he stuffed the hole with soil then, did a very quick shop. He got back just in time so, he had a shower because there was lots of soil all over him. Afterwords, he clutched some clothes that looked the same as the ones he was wearing and got changed in seconds. Finally, he threw his dirty clothes into a laundry basket then had a little think about what he saw.












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