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Critical Mass

There are so many tiny, incidental ways we can make choices that protect our natural world and a lot of them mean involve not doing something so it's easy to become part of a movement for change without even lifting a finger! National Parks and charitites do an amazing job but we can't leave all the hard work to them, and there are more people and land outside of these sectors, so on mass, the rest of us can make a bigger difference if we consider wildlife when we're making every day choices.


Make sure you leave no trace of yourself when you are out and about. If you see litter and can safely pick it up - do! Imagine how much litter would be collected if every one in the UK picked up just one peice a day!


Try not to buy single-use plastic items. Re-use plastic whenever you can. Find out where you can recycle different plastics (did you know you can recycle lots of plastic packaging at your local supermarket carrier bag recylcing points?). Pick up plastic litter you come across, especially on the beach. Be mindful about the products you buy and the packaging they come with. Is it recyclable and does it have any recycled content? Can you refill it? Everytime you buy a plastic item, remind yourself that it will be on the earth indefinately.

Leave your car at home

Plan your life so that you can make fewer car journeys and use public transport if possible. Think ahead so that you don't have to jump into the car and if you find youself driving to the gym....

Make your home a haven for wildlife

Use any green space you have to nurture wildlife. Plant wildflower seeds on disused grassy spaces, feed the birds, build a log pile, create a vertical garden.

Use biodegradable cosmetic and cleaning products

These are usually better for your health as well as the environment. Sometimes they cost more, but when things are cheap we tend to be wasteful with them.

Keep biodegradable matter out of landfill

Wormeries are an efficient way of disposing of organic waste and you don't even need to have a garden! Peelings provide delicious grub for the worms and in return they reward you with worm 'tea' which is an excellent fertiliser for your garden.

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